Friday, May 16, 2014

the records guinness most extreme in the world


The most needles on the head is 2,009 and was achieved by Wei Shengchu (China) on the set of Lo Show dei Record, in Milan, Italy, on 11 April 2009.

The man tiger

Avner gained world reputation when it joined the book Guinness of world records as the person who realized the major number of transformations on his body to look like an animal. Then it appeared in numerous shows of the North American TV and even in the Animal program Planet. In an opportunity it had expressed that he had felt the spirit of the tiger, which motivated it to initiating the whole series of costly operations.

The 'comeescorpiones'.

The 'comeescorpiones'. Majed to the Malki, an inhabitant of Saudi Arabia broke the record and established one of the strangest world brands in Guinnes. He ate the Malki, in 2009, 22 poisonous scorpions in only a few minutes to fulfill his aim to be in the list of world records.

The ' man serpent '.
The ' man serpent '. Again a record related to animals occupies a place in this top 5 and is that of Jackie Bibby, who has three world records related to serpents. The first one is for supporting the major number of alive rattlers (eight) inside his mouth; the second one is for remaining in a tub with the major number of these alive serpents (81); and the third party for remaining in a sleepingbag with the major number of these alive animals, which in this case were 150, and the man serpent even remained totally enclosed in the sack by the serpents during 10 seconds.

The animals most amazing in the records guinness

George, the biggest dog of the world

Great Danish of more than two meters of length might be the highest dog of the world. George, with a weight of more than 50 kilos waits to be registered in the Records Guinness, since the winner of the previous title died of cancer in August


Here we have to a species of domestic rabbit with 1,30m of length and 22,2kg of weight. We cannot say that it is a very current animal but for his owner Anette he says that his rabbit, of Dario should name, it it wants like to a son. This rabbit according to his owner says to eat 12 daily carrots and in spite of being proud of that his snapdragon has joined the book of the records him it worries that it continues growing.


As for cats, Himmy, property of Thomas Vyse de Redlynch, Queensland, Australia, still has the title of being the biggest cat of the world, in spite of his death a few years ago. When he died to the age of 10 in 1986, there was weighing 46 lbs 15 oz (21.3 kg).


A Black and So Coonhound named Harbor, of 8 years, of Boulder, Colorado, USA, has gained a place in the Guinness World Records 2012 Edition for having the longest in the ears of an alive dog. Property of Jennifer Wert, left side and right of the port of the ears measure 12,25 inches and 13,5, respectively.

The biggest crocodile

The biggest crocodile of all those who live in captivity has been captured it was captured in Bunawan, in the south of The Philippines, in September, 2011. Lolong, since it has been baptized, is a Crocodylus porosus or crocodile of salty water, measures 6,17 meters of length and weighs more than one ton. Adam Britton, expert in crocodiles of the National Geographic, sedated and measured to the animal, confirming the measures for which it has just been a new recruit in the Book Guinness of the records.

 The fastest dog in crossing the tightrope
Ozzy, one crosses between border collie and kelpie, lives in the United Kingdom, and can cross a rope of 3,5 meters in only 18,22 seconds. This talented khan was born in Anglesey, in the north of Wales, but now it lives in Norwich with his owner, Nick Johnson, a 51-year-old carpenter.

But now, 12 years later that Marty Stevens rescued of that they were sacrificing it due to his abnormality, the exotic animal not only has survived but he has remained registered in the Book Guinness of World Records as the most long-lived survivor of a group known as cats Jano, for the Roman god of two faces.

The records guinness more extreme of THE PARTS OF THE BODY

" woman lizard "

Chanel Tapper, a girl  21-year-old original of California, broke the world record of the longest tongue, with a measurement of 9.75cm This means that the language of this is of the double of length that that of the average human being and of the same length that that of an iPhone.

" The man moustache "

As if this is not enough, two of the longest leading world moustaches belong to Indians. The one that to the left side is Kalyan Ramji Sundgarth's Grease, India, which has not fitted his 11.1 feet (3.39m) the moustache from 1976. That to the right, the holder of world current record.

 " the tetona "

The biggest bosoms of the world. Annie Hawkins-Turne makes be call A Norm Stitz, but the whole world knows her as " the tetona ". It is important to emphasize that these chests are natural, though they seem to be supernatura
The mouth mas big of the world

The Angolan Francisco Domingo Joaquim manages to stretch the mouth up to 17 centimeters. It is the only one that can do it in the world.

                                                                          the most bulging eyes of the world 

Kim Goodman gained the title of the most bulging eyes, it is capable of making jump his eyes out of his orbits approximately 12 millimeters (0.47 inches). It lives in Chicago, Illinois and it discovered his talent accidentally. One day had an accident when it was struck in the head by a mask of hockey. His eyes left of his orbit far beyond of the normal thing, before the panic of the presents.

The man smallest of the world

He Pingping, which with his little more than 74 centimeters was the smallest person of the world of whom witness is had, he died last Saturday in Rome as a result of a few cardiac complications to the age of 21 years, informed this Monday to the international means Craig Glenday, chief of the organization Guinness World Records.

The man  highest of the world

The Turk Sultán Kosen, who shows the title of " the highest alive man of the world " in the book Guinness of the Records 2011, with 2,465 meters of height, said today in Rio de Janeiro that his stature is more that sufficient and it does not want to continue growing to beat brands. " For two years I measure the same thing. Already I grew during sufficient time and I do not want to grow any more! ", there joked Kosen, of 27 years, on having been presented officially as the highest man of the world in an act of the organization Guinness of the Records in Rio de Janeiro.